Battling the Blues: Staying Sober Through Winter’s Grip

The winter solstice has passed, and for many, the festive cheer has faded, replaced by a familiar foe: the winter doldrums. These feelings of low mood, lethargy, and decreased motivation can be tough for anyone, but for those in recovery, they can pose a unique challenge.

Shorter days, colder weather, and holiday bills can all conspire to chip away at our resolve. The urge to seek comfort in familiar, coping mechanisms can feel amplified. With a little preparation and guidance, we can trudge positively through the winter blues and emerge stronger on the other side.

Whether this is your first year in recovery, or if you have been around for a bit (almost 14 years for me), the focus seems to always be on the big events. We look at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve and we get a plan in place because those are the big tests. While everyone is partying, we are told to be on guard and if we are diligent, we made it through, sober and relatively happy.

It’s been my opinion that it’s not always the big events that can trip us up, it’s the little things. The minor irritations, the simple frustrations, and of course the winter blues.

First, let’s acknowledge the science behind the winter blues. Reduced sunlight exposure disrupts our natural production of serotonin and melatonin which regulate mood and sleep. This can lead to feelings of sadness, fatigue, and even depression. Additionally, the cozy hibernation instincts we share can lead to social isolation and decreased activity levels, furthering these negative feelings.

But there is good news: you’re not powerless against the winter blues. Here are some ideas as far as things that you can do:

  • Embrace the Light: Make the most of those precious daylight hours. Take brisk walks, get out in the morning sun, or at least take advantage of the natural light if you are stuck inside. Even a few minutes of exposure can make a difference.

  • Move Around: Exercise is a great mood booster and stress reliever. Get your heart rate up with a jog or a walk, join a gym, or simply walk around your living or workspace.

  • Connect and Share: Reach out to your support group. Attend recovery meetings (virtual or in-person), call a sober friend, or join an online community. Sharing your struggles and celebrating your victories with others can be incredibly therapeutic.

  • Nourish Yourself: Prioritize nutritious meals rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Try not to eat garbage, simply out of boredom (that’s a big one for me). Don’t forget to stay hydrated. Sometimes, what feels like a low mood is simply dehydration. 

  • Do Something Fun: Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Read a good book, listen to music or a podcast, or indulge in your favorite hobby. Simply watching a movie or a favorite TV show will do. Prioritize getting enough sleep, as restful nights are crucial for emotional well-being.

  • Reach Out For Help: If your winter blues are severe or persistent, don’t hesitate to reach out to someone that you trust. They can provide support and suggestions that will help you navigate the winter blues and maintain your sobriety.

Remember, winter is temporary, and “this too shall pass.” 

By taking care of yourself, embracing healthy options, and staying connected to your support system, we can not only survive the winter doldrums but thrive in the process. 

SOBER NOT MATURE: Welcome aboard the wild and wacky world of the ‘Sober Not Mature‘ podcast, where sobriety stories and off-the-cuff hilarity are the order of the day! This is no hushed whispers recovery circle, folks. We’re all about airing out those sobering thoughts that keep you up at night, only we do it with a side of sass and a whole lot of laughs.

At the helm of this crazy ship, we have our two sober (but definitely not staid) hosts. Meet Bill, the self-proclaimed CEO – that’s Chief Egotistical Officer for those playing along at home. His job? To ensure every episode is inflated with enough ego to make Kanye West blush.

Then there’s Mike, our COO or Chief Obscenity Officer. Yep, you read that right. Mike’s got a potty-mouth that would make a sailor blush, and he’s not afraid to use it. Their titles alone should give you a hint of the irreverent mayhem that ensues in this recovery podcast. Buckle up, recovery readers. It’s going to be a wild and sober ride.

Follow along with these fellas in all of the digital places and social spaces:

SOBER SPORTS: Welcome to Sober Sports with Ryan Burg and Phillip Vitela! Sober Sports is our section of the site that is dedicated to promoting sobriety and wellness through sports and fitness. The section features articles, interviews, and personal stories from athletes and fitness enthusiasts who are committed to living a healthier, alcohol-free lifestyle. By highlighting the benefits of sober living and the role that sports and fitness can play in achieving and maintaining sobriety, Sober Sports is changing the way we think about wellness and encouraging a more positive and empowering approach to recovery.


Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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