An Open Invitation to Drew Barrymore to Become a Sober Curator

Dear Drew Barrymore,

We would like to invite you to become a Sober Curator for a Day.

Your personal experiences with addiction and your journey of recovery would lend incredible authenticity to our mission. We know that your passion for sobriety and your advocacy for living a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle would inspire others to join our cause of recovering out loud to show the world how much fun living a sober lifestyle can be. With your name and reputation, we believe that this partnership would be mutually beneficial, with us gaining credibility from your involvement and you spreading your message of recovery, hope, and positivity.

We are excited about this opportunity to work with you and are confident that it will be an unforgettable experience. We would be honored to have you as a Sober Curator for a day, and we look forward to exploring how we can make this happen. Our community of Sober Curators was founded in August 2020, and we have never been together in person IRL. We have a vision of being together in real life with you on your show. That said, we also get together monthly via Zoom, and we would be just as honored to have you join us virtually.

Thank you for your time, and we hope to hear back from you soon! (You can email us at [email protected])

-The Sober Curators

P.S. – Drew, we REALLY hope you appreciate our efforts to recreate different outfits from your iconic roles over the years. We’re sober, not boring, and love ANY reason for a theme.

Transcription of Drew Barrymore Sober Curator Video

Questions We’d Like to Ask Drew:

Alysse Bryson: We are a lifestyle sober blog that started working together as volunteers, curating, and creating original lifestyle content for the sober community. And if we were to meet with you, we want to talk about our coined phrase, which is “sober pop culture.”

Megan Wright: What have been the most helpful and least helpful things that people have told you in your healing journey?

Carrie May: What do you like to do when you travel?

Megan Swan: What you found most surprising about sobriety and living a sober life to the fullest?

Lane Kennedy: What your daughter’s favorite flowers are, and if you have them in the house all the time?

Justin Lamb: What’s your favorite scary movie? I’m just kidding. (Lots of laughter) I’m just kidding. But what’s your favorite memory with Wes Craven?

Alysse Bryson: What are your favorite movies are, that have addiction, substance abuse disorder, or recovery as part of the storyline? We have curated and created over 900 articles in the last two and a half years. And, you know, we’re getting about 10,000 people to the website, a month, which is fantastic.

Why We Do This Work:

Carrie May: I love building community, and I love getting people out and doing things, and a lot of people don’t know about us, especially who aren’t on Instagram. So, we really need your help to get us out there.

Megan Swan: It’s so important that more people in the sober community have different tools to invite them to uplevel in other ways and reach other levels of wellness in terms of their physical wellness, spiritual health, emotional and mental.

Megan Wright: Since I’ve been writing for The Sober Curator, anytime somebody tells me they read something on our site or on our sober blog, they are just overwhelmed by the fact that they can relate to our community, and so we all know connection is the opposite of addiction, and we need your help to make connections.

Lane Kennedy: There are hundreds of 1000s of people who are suffering, and we really want to have The Sober Curator be a flagship. It’s like a mark on the map. We can do that. We can help save more lives.

Justin Lamb: Whether you were a kid in Studio 54 or you’re just the guy that really likes craft beer – Those sober stories are very different. So, we can bring everybody that’s curious about that on board and give them an all-around global experience.

Alysse Bryson: You should check out The Sober Curator, and then help us get it on the map. So, more people can see how much fun living a sober lifestyle can be.

Curated Episodes of the Drew Barrymore Show Talking About Recovery

Curated Videos of Drew Barrymore Talking Openly About Addiction & Recovery

Because it’s movie night and the feelings right, it’s movie night!

MOVIE NIGHT WITH THE SOBER CURATOR: Since you’re not binging on alcohol and drugs anymore, you’re going to need other activities to fill your time. This section brings you the movies and documentaries that The Sober Curator recommends.

Pop the popcorn, grab your fav alcohol-free bevies or make your favorite mocktail, dish out your favorite treats and sweets, and settle in for some good old-fashioned cinema entertainment. Need any ideas on what to drink? Head on over to our HAPPY EVERY HOUR section for our curated list of non-alcoholic beverage options.

Feeling like a good Netflix binge is more your style? THE MINDFUL BINGE will give you our list of TV series we’ve binged and are giving our two sober thumbs up on!

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

Resource Guide

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


We at The Sober Curator are big proponents of giving. Whether time, talent, or money, we all have unique gifts to share with others. Besides wanting to be a good human, there are many reasons to give. Multiple studies on the topic reveal that people who give time and money are happier, live longer, and feel more connected. According to Pablo Picasso, the meaning of life is to find your gift. But the purpose of life is to give it away. 

Pay it Forward will help you do just this.  Our resource directory provides reputable, vetted, recovery-related organizations seeking donations and volunteers to help make our communities better. The Sober Curator is always looking for new opportunities to give. If you have a favorite nonprofit organization related to recovery & mental health that you think we should feature, please share it with us at [email protected]


or to participate.