13 Tips & Tricks on How to Handle Halloween Alcohol-Free During a Global Pandemic

Alysse B. is here to give you tips and tricks on how to have a spooky and sober Halloween. You’ll still have fun, you can still eat candy and let loose, you’re just going to do it all alcohol-free. Plus, you’ll also be adhering to all of the social distancing rules in place, because we know you want to keep your friends, your family, and even complete strangers safe from Covid-19.

1. Have a sober virtual party with your sober peeps, Hallow-zoom!

Yes, I know you probably have Zoom fatigue by now and you’re tired of living inside of the Brady Bunch boxes. But, think of how much fun you can have incorporating your Halloween costume with your Zoom or Teams background artwork? Plus, for all you lazy Halloween costume people, you really only have to costume from the waist up! This can be a fun activity to do with friends, co-workers, and family.


Sober Curator Prop Tip: Hey you 12-steppers! Carry the message, put on a costume, and hit up a zoom meeting.

Have a clever costume? We 100% want to see it and share it. DM us on Instagram or Facebook!

2. Hang out with kids because they are the BESTEST on Halloween

I know, I know. Halloween is going to look different this year. No cute kids knocking on your door begging for sugar. Why not take the lead and organize a socially distancing safe costume parade around your neighborhood or condo/apartment building? Kids love to see themselves in pictures and videos, so this could be your chance to get on Tik Tok or Instagram Reels and learn some fun dance moves. Make sure to add some spooky music and scary filters to spice up your social media feed.

3. Dress up your pets in costumes and take lots of photos

These are my bitches, Roxie & Bella, the Boston Terriers of Issaquah, a suburb of Seattle. They also moonlight as the mascots for The Sober Curator. I think you can probably tell by their faces that they do not enjoy dressing up in costumes as much as I love dressing them up in costumes. But you know what they do love? Treats! Lots and lots of treats.

Sober Curator Dog Owner Pro Tip: Check out this gadget by Quinn’s Mercantile that attaches to your phone, holds a treat, so you can trick your pup into a pose. (insert evil cackle here)

Since most of us aren’t going anywhere, our social media feeds are our entertainment. Maybe instead of all that negative stuff that is flying around on the worldwide social media web, we can fill it up with fun photos of kids and pets in costumes. It won’t solve any of the current world problems, but it will make people smile.

Does your pet have a clever costume? We 100% want to see it and share it. DM us on Instagram or Facebook!

Roxie & Bella the @lilbossybitches on insta, The Sober Curator Mascots

4.Get out of town and enjoy the sites of the season; pumpkin patches, corn mazes, local artisan sellers

Grab your quarantine buddies and get out of town! Even if it’s just for the day, get outside because the fresh air will do you some good. One of my besties Erin and I headed north of Seattle to the Snohomish area to visit Stocker Farms. We picked a week day to avoid too big of crowds and packed our masks and hand sanitizers.

If you’re an Instagrammer, then this activity must be on your to-do list for fall. Fall is my absolute favorite season. As someone who is taking the pandemic very seriously, I was really happy to see all of the measures Stocker Farms had put in place to keep people distanced and safe. There were hand washing stations and hand sanitizer everywhere. We enjoyed taking in the sights, strolling through the sunflowers, and working our way through their huge corn maze.

My only regret? Not realizing until I got home and reviewed our fabulous photos from the day that I looked like I was dressed like the McDonald’s Hamburglar. (Thank goodness I didn’t wear that black and white striped sweater I was considering #outfitfail) Want to read about the Hipster Hamburglar that clearly never became a “thing”? Here’s a funny article from Fast Company circa 2015.

Jakob was 4 years old and I was 24 years old. Not pictured (thankfully hidden by the pumpkin prop) are my Britney Spears double front pigtails. I’ve never really stopped being a 13 yr old girl on the inside.

I have a long, long history of the pumpkin patch and farm life excursions, which is something I never even considered before I got sober. Exception of maybe one time with my son when he was four. On my first October sober I was six months into my sobriety and I was really feeling the benefits. Also, I had developed an obsession with pumpkins. (Yes, I overdo everything. My “isms” are not just confined to alcohol and drugs.)

Like a legitimate pumpkin shopping problem. Real pumpkins, fake pumpkins, pumpkin decorations, pumpkin candles, it was all pumpkins all of the time. Thankfully, I’ve slowed my roll on pumpkin purchases. However, I equate October with happiness, which is fitting since it leads into November, the month of gratitude.

5. Decorate your house

One activity I know I am looking forward to this year is driving around and looking at everyone’s Haunted House decorations. Last year, my son and I were visiting my sister on Long Island and I have to tell you…Long Island brings a strong Halloween decor game! Whether you choose to decorate the inside or outside of your home is obviously up to you. I personally like to enjoy other people’s efforts. (Aka I’m lazy. My Halloween decor has been stored in black and orange colored-coded plastic storage tubs collecting dust for years now.)

Need some decoration inspiration? We’ve curated that for you too! Head on over to our Pinterest account and check out our Sober October board for ideas on decorating, fun with foods, and so much more!

6. Decorate a pumpkin or do a fall craft

If you don’t know me, then you do not understand my love for all things Star Wars. The 80s and 90s pop culture is my jam. I love all of the creative options for decorating pumpkins that have evolved over the years. Need some inspiration? Don’t worry, we curated an entire Pinterest board for you that you can check out here.

Carve a pumpkin you will

Where’s my other shoe?

7. Make festive baked goods

Ok, I’m including this as an option, but full disclosure I am not a baker. However, I used to be an expert in getting baked. I do have a kitchen because it came with the place. We did however curate some fun and easy Halloween recipes on our Pinterest account and you can find those here.

Also, if given a chance to have a photo of your pet in a Halloween costume put on a cookie, I promise it will bring you much joy. See, I told you sober doesn’t have to be boring!

8. Watch scary movies

Here’s a list of 13 movies we recommend adding to your queue. We recommend you go old school. There is comfort in old school and association with happy times of the past. Right now, with all of the 2020 “stuff”, don’t you think you deserve a little spooky comfort sans alcohol?

  • Scream (2006)

  • Beetlejuice (1988)

  • Halloween (1978) Sober Curator Pro Tip: Jamie Lee Curtis is sober

  • Edward Scissorhands (1990)

  • Ghostbusters Original (1984)

  • ET (1982)

  • Hocus Pocus (1993) Sober Curator Pro Tip: There is a Hocus Pocus virtual event coming on October 30th, 2020, read about it here.

  • Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

  • The Sixth Sense (1999)

  • The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

  • The Shining (1980)

  • The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

  • Practical Magic (1998)

9. Your sober not boring, bring on the ultra creative costumes!

Ironically, I did not embrace costumes in a big way until after I got sober. Probably because it was more important to save that money for booze, drugs, pre-funk items, getting hair and nails done, club entry fees, hangover food, parking tickets, towing tickets, and replacement of all of the items I would lose when I went out. And now, I need multiple costumes for Halloween events. Give me any reason throughout the rest of the year for a costume or themed party and I’m always game. Seriously. Always. Game.

Sober Pro Tip: Make it a family (or family by choice) affair! Dress up in a coordinated theme and plan activities that support the costume campaign theme. In this case, we watched Scooby-Doo cartoons, a Scooby-Doo movie, and obviously enjoyed some Scooby Snacks.

10. Avoid the ghosts of old routines and habits from drunk Halloweens of the past

Especially if you are in early sobriety, maybe don’t go frequent your usual haunts. I’m not here to tell you what to do. An old-timer I met in early sobriety told me “Alysse, people that hang out in gyms usually start working out. People that hang out in bars usually start drinking.” While I’m fine to go to a bar now if I have a legitimate reason, I avoided them in the beginning and I have zero regrets about that. Like for real. I’ve never once woken up and regretted not being hungover.

11. Ok I lied. There is one old routine you should consider if you have a kid who is now grown-ish

When my son Jakob was two years old, I dressed him as my dalmatian puppy so he would match my Cruella Deville Costume. Sometimes as a young, single, and drinking mom I would make it about me, instead of making it about him. Sometimes in cute ways like matching costumes, although a lot of other times were not cute at all.

Because of my 14+ years of sobriety, we have a very solid relationship today. Jakob is now 24. And while our relationship is not without problems, he’s my person and I am his. When someone is your person and you happen to be skilled at being convincing (ahem), you might just be able to talk your kid into recreating a look from the past. Enjoy my humor, or don’t. But I think I’m hilarious. And my kid? He hated it but he’s a champ and he loves me.

12. Create fun mocktails, turn up your beats and DANCE, even if it’s only in your living room

Turns out, I love a well-crafted mocktail. I find it very refreshing that the alcohol-free beverage category is having a moment. Check out our Happy Every Hour section of the site for bevies I’ve taste-tested myself.

And yes, I’ve curated a Mocktail Pinterest board for you as well.

If I had all of the time in the world, I’d happily put together a Spotify playlist for you to enjoy some spooky beats to get your boogie on. Maybe you have an awesome one you want to share with us so we can share it with our readers? I have however sourced this fun list of spooky songs to choose from.

13. Reminisce on Halloweens past

At my day job, I get to work with not only the best in the business but also the most creative, outgoing, always down for a theme party crew. Sales are strong. Our brand is strong. And our company culture is even stronger. Please enjoy these videos of our Halloweens past.

It breaks my heart on the inside we won’t be together this year, which makes me really grateful to have these videos of Halloweens past. You’ll find lots of great costume ideas if you don’t have one picked out for yourself yet this year. I’m guessing we are going to see a lot of coronaviruses, RBG, and Fly on Pence costumes this year.

Feeling overwhelmed and need resources! We can point you in the right directions.

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.