24 Ways to Stay Sober When Life’s Earthquakes Hit

Here are fresh ways to maintain sobriety during difficult periods…if it’s death, sadness, depression, or stress, or a general a lack of guidance, these ideas can help reset your brain and your heart.

  1. Create a Vision Board: Visualize your goals and aspirations to maintain focus on your future.

  2. Control What You can Control: Learn to repeat the mantra “I’m letting this go, with peace” when you are upset.

  3. Join a Sober Online Community: Engage with others in recovery through forums or social media groups.

  4. Start a DIY Project: Tackling a home improvement project can be a productive and absorbing way to spend time. Something fresh to work on is a great distraction.

  5. Nature Walk: Not just for kindergarteners, a nature walk is a great way to take your mind off of life, stresses, and challenges. Spending time in natural surroundings can be calming and grounding, and picking up leaves or pinecones or seashells you like can feel very theraputic.

  6. Practice Chair Yoga: Even if you don’t have the strength to do your hair, a very simple and gentle yoga can help manage stress and maintain physical health.

  7. Hire it Out: Whatever tasks you don’t have the energy or patience to do at this time, treat yourself to hiring someone else to do it. Sometimes we just need a temporary helper. Think the “Sex and the City” movie when Carrie hires her assistant after Big leaves her at the altar.

  8. Watch Documentaries: Educate yourself on new topics to keep your mind engaged. So many random things to learn about when you need ways to detach from the difficulties swirling in your life that you can’t control. (Guess what? We’ve got a Top Documentary list you can check out HERE)

  9. Write Letters: Writing letters to friends or loved ones can be a meaningful way to connect.

  10. Plan Future Travels: Planning a future trip can provide something positive to look forward to. (Check out our Sober Travel section)

  11. Take an Online Course: Enroll in an online course on a topic that interests you.

  12. The Three C’s: Remember you didn’t cause this, you can’t cure it, and you can’t control it. Write the Three C’s on a post-it note and stick it on your mirror.

  13. Crafting: Take up crafting activities like knitting, sewing, or scrapbooking. (Check out our Curated Crafts section)

  14. Focus on Reframing: in your journal or your meditation, remember that you have been through difficult things before, and survived them. It may even help to list them out. Over time you will see that you will get through this too, and you don’t have to drink over it.

  15. Walk a Labyrinth: Try the meditative practice of walking a labyrinth!Did you know labyrinths are located all over the world? Find one near you, or near where you’re traveling on labyrinthlocator.com.

  16. Join a Book Club: Discussing books with others can be a great way to connect and share perspectives. (Check out our #QUITLIT and ADDICTION FICTION book review sections)

  17. Try a New Exercise Regime: Whether it’s Pilates, dance, or a martial art, physical activity is beneficial for mental health. (Check out Sober Sweat)

  18. Start a Blog or Vlog: Share your experiences, hobbies, or insights online. Many people find this very healing.

  19. Mindful Coloring or Drawing: Artistic activities can be relaxing and meditative.

  20. Listen to Soothing Music or Podcasts: These can provide comfort and distraction. (Check out our Entertainment Section)

  21. Explore Sound Baths, Soaking, or New Spiritual Practices: this can be very comforting and soothing during a difficult time. Be willing to open your mind to shifting out of your normal spiritual or religious rituals.

  22. Practice Positive Affirmations: Positive self-talk can boost your confidence and resilience.

  23. Plan for High-Risk Situations: Have a strategy in place for how you’ll handle situations that may challenge your sobriety.

  24. Read Inspirational Literature: Books about recovery, quit lit, addiction fiction, self-help and personal growth can be uplifting during difficult times.

These activities are designed to provide positive engagement and support, helping to navigate through challenging times while maintaining sobriety.

RESOURCE GUIDE: At The Sober Curator, we provide high-quality content centered around the vibrant and fulfilling lifestyle of sobriety. While our focus is on the positive aspects of sober living, we also acknowledge that life can present challenges without the aid of alcohol or substances. Coping with these challenges alone can be daunting, which is why we strongly believe in finding recovery within a supportive community.

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol use disorder, substance use disorder, or mental illness, we urge you to seek help. While the task may seem daunting, it’s important to remember that support is readily available and that there are people out there who genuinely want to help.

It’s crucial to remain persistent in your search for assistance until you find the right solution for your unique situation. In some cases, it could be a matter of life or death, so it’s essential to never give up on finding the necessary help.

In this section, we have compiled a list of national and regional services that are available, with many offering assistance 24/7. We encourage you to utilize these resources and continue seeking additional support and guidance until you find what works best for you.

A Disco Ball is Hundreds of Pieces of Broken Glass, Put Together to Make a Magical Ball of Light. You are NOT Broken, Friend. You are a DISCO BALL!

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Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

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