11 Phobias You May Not Even Know

Curiosity isn’t just a trait for me; I am endlessly fascinated by the nuances of the world. And it’s precisely this curiosity that led me to become a mindfulness teacher, intertwining the principles of mindfulness with the joys of sobriety—and, of course, a dose of laughter. In my journey, I’ve discovered that being present and aware is like having a superpower, especially when it comes to navigating a life free from alcohol.

In one of my recent mindfulness classes—where I ask my students to explore their minds and learn to embrace life’s quirky moments—I asked them if they would share any of their phobias. There are so many!  (Did you know you can use the practice of mindfulness to support you in being calm when that phobia appears?)

We’ve all heard of arachnophobia and claustrophobia, but guess what? There’s a massive list of fears that are as obscure as they are fascinating. So, this week, lean in with the spirit of curiosity and a smile on your face as you uncover eleven phobias you probably never knew existed. Ready? 

*NOTE If you experience any phobias – please be mindful in your consumption of this post, thank you.

#1 Arachibutyrophobia

Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. It’s like the food equivalent of an awkward silence.

#2 Euphorbia

Fear of good news. Imagine ducking every time someone says, “Guess what?!”

#3 Pogonophobia

Fear of beards. I bet you’d never join a “beard” club!

#4 Nomophobia

 Fear of being without your mobile phone. Is it still a phobia if everyone has it?

#5 Ablutophobia

Fear of bathing. Let’s just say this one doesn’t make you the life of the party.

#6 Coulrophobia

Fear of clowns. Okay, to be fair, some of those clowns in movies are pretty creepy! I’m terrified of the clown in Jack-in-the-box!

#7 Turophobia

Fear of cheese. Cheese-free pizza? Now that’s something to really be afraid of!

#8 Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia

Fear of long words. Oh, the irony!

#9 Chirophobia

Fear of hands. High-fives just got a lot more complicated.

#10 Optophobia

Fear of opening one’s eyes. We’ve all experienced this situationally — ever watched a scary movie?

#11 Neophobia

 Fear of new things. But hey, it could be like a new sober life. That’s not scary at all, right?

As we navigate the choppy waters of our fears, we must remember that compassion is our compass. Phobias, no matter how unusual or common, are very real for those who have them, and they deserve our understanding and support.

For more insights on embracing your quirks without needing a liquid crutch, I’d love for you to check out “Laughing Without Liquor: A Woman’s Guide to Living It Up Without the Booze.” To continue your journey towards a vibrant, alcohol-free life, don’t forget to subscribe to the Self Preservation Lifejacket newsletter, which is brimming with tips for leading a fulfilling and serene, sober life.

On a more personal note, while I don’t shudder at the sight of cocktails, I’ve found immense joy in a life that’s not centered around them. I hope you have, too. Now, let’s lighten the mood with a little humor: What do you call a dinosaur that’s overly cautious about every tiny alteration in its life? A Change-o-sauraphobe!

Until we meet again, hold on to courage, cherish the laughter, and treasure your sober journey.

Stay compassionate, stay brave, and above all, keep laughing!

Listen to the show:

A woman’s guide to living it up without the booze

Meet Tamar Medford & Lane Kennedy, hosts of the podcast, Laughing Without Liquorboth living in long term recovery with over a combined 37 years of consistent sobriety. (We’ve had no breaks since day 1!) Ladies let’s stir up some fun without the spirits! Our show is all about blazing new trails and having some good, clean fun that doesn’t revolve around alcohol. We’re not just focused on immediate enjoyment, but also on long-term recovery, happiness, and satisfaction. We’re here to show you that true fulfillment comes from meaningful connections between women, minus the hangover and the haze. Trust us, when you’re not tipsy, you’ll discover a newfound wit and engaging charm within yourself.  Who needs alcohol when you have a bunch of amazing ladies to connect with? So, let’s raise our glasses filled with sparkling water and toast to building real, lasting bonds that bring us lasting joy and fulfillment!

Follow along if you want to laugh.

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If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

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