10 Easy Ways To Bring More Spirituality Into Your Life!

#1 – Light a candle and set an intention when you start your day.

#2 – Release an old story you’ve been carrying around by writing it down and setting it on fire.  Nothing more cleansing or spiritual than fire. 

#3 – Get some oracle cards, pull one when you feel you need guidance. 

#4 – Listen to a guided meditation.  On my podcast Energetically You I offer monthly guided meditation. 

Here are 4 great options for beginners:

#5 – Spend time in nature ‘awe hunting’ for rainbows or just notice them on the suds when you are washing dishes or in the shower.

#6 – Pick an ‘in alignment’ sign for yourself and wait for the Universe to reveal it to you when you least expect it.  This can be a series of angel numbers like 1111 or an animal (mine is a butterfly).  Sounds cheesy I know, but just try it out and see what you notice!  If nothing else it helps to make you more aware and present in your environment which is extremely grounding for our nervous systems.

#7 – Burn sage + sage yourself with the smoke or a room that needs an energy lift or clearing.

#8 – Drink rose tea or use rose water on your face each morning for its potent healing properties for mind, body, and soul.

#9 – Read poetry.  I personally follow these poets on Instagram:

#10 – Sing, hum or chant a favorite tune or mantra to relax your throat and open your throat chakra which helps you feel confident and more aligned in your communication and speaking your truth.

Spiritual wellness is ¼ of the optimal wellness lifestyle I guide clients to establish through custom micro shifts that become a part of who they are, not a checkmark on their to-do list.

#QUITLIT: Energetically You Podcast Featuring Euphoric Author Karolina Rzadkowolska

Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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